We are excited to announce Senior Captain Brayden “Donnie” McCloskey as the 2023 winner of the prestigious Neal Lineman Scholarship!
Brayden was presented with the honor at the annual Reynolds Wrestling Banquet on Sunday, hosted by the Booster Club. The Neal Lineman Scholarship is the original award sponsored by the Reynolds Wrestling Legacy Club and is intended to always be the flagship scholarship award of the RWLC.
Robyn Weaver, daughter of legendary Coach Neal Lineman, represented the Legacy Club in presenting the award to Brayden. In her presentation, Robyn thanked the Reynolds Wrestling community for all the support and love given to Coach Lineman and the family, especially during the past few years. Proud parents Scott & Stephanie McCloskey were in attendance to share the moment with Brayden.
Brayden plans to study Business & Accounting at Youngstown State University, starting next fall. He finished his RHS career this year after achieving an outstanding 62-29 career record and qualifying for the Northwest Regional tournament two straight years. He was one of the team leaders as the Raiders claimed the District 10 Dual Championships. Brayden was a star quarterback, setting passing records on the Raider football team that won three straight District 10 titles. Additionally, Brayden is described as an excellent leader, role model and mentor to his teammates!
Congratulations Brayden!
The scholarship is named for the legendary National Hall of Fame Coach Neal Lineman, who passed away earlier this year. It is based on several categories including wrestling participation & performance, academic performance, an essay titled, “What does the Reynolds Wrestling Legacy mean to you?”, citizenship and financial needs. The scholarship fund is administered by the Community Foundation of Western PA & Eastern OH.
Past winners of the Neal Lineman Scholarship are:
2021 Cole Toy, currently a student at Slippery Rock University
2022 Kane Kettering, currently a student at Seton Hill University The Reynolds Wrestling Legacy Club has awarded $14,000 in scholarships in its short 3-year history!